Defined as the total number of genes, species, and ecosystems in a region, biodiversity is the blanket term
for the natural biological wealth that represents the very foundation of human existence. Biodiversity not
only provides us with direct benefits like foods, medicine, and energy, it also affords us a life support
system by recycling essential elements (such as carbon, oxygen and nitrogen), mitigating pollution,
protecting watersheds, and combating soil erosion.
This ecological wealth is being lost at a rate rivaling the mass extinctions of 65 million years ago. At least
3 species are lost every day according to the most conservative estimates. These extinctions are the
result of excessive consumption, pollution, deforestation, and rapid population growth. Conserving
biodiversity requires safeguarding natural systems that purify water, cycle oxygen and carbon, maintain
soil fertility, yield food and medicine, and provide the genetic richness we rely on to improve our crops and
Africa/Middle East
Asia/South Pacific
Latin America/Caribbean
North America
International Fund for Animal Welfare
The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) was founded in 1969 to stop the cruel commercial
slaughter of harp and hood seals. Since then, we have expanded our campaigns to embrace all animals and
have been recognized as "one of the most effective organizations for animal welfare in the world." Our
work is focused on three critical areas: preventing commercial exploitation and trade of wild animals;
rescuing animals in distress (from cruelty and natural or man-made disasters); and protecting the few
remaining wild spaces where so many animals live.
Conservation International
Conservation International (CI) is a field-based, non-profit organization that protects the Earth's
biologically richest areas and helps the people who live there improve their quality of life. CI uses science,
economics, policy, and community involvement to promote biodiversity conservation in tropical rain
forests and other endangered ecosystems worldwide. Through CI's environmentally sensitive and
economically sound approach, resource protection is good business for everyone.
World Conservation Monitoring center
WCMC is internationally recognized as a center of excellence in the location and management of information
on the conservation and sustainable use of the world's living resources. These pages will guide you to global
data on biodiversity and information relating to WCMC's activities in this field.
Africa/Middle East
African Bird Club
The African Bird Club was established to provide a worldwide focus for African ornithology, to encourage
an interest in the conservation of the birds of the region, to liaise with and promote the work of existing
regional societies, to publish a twice-yearly colour bulletin, to encourage observers to visit lesser known
areas of the region, and search actively for globally threatened and near-threatened species to develop a
Conservation Fund.
African Wildlife Foundation
The African Wildlife Foundation has been working with the people of Africa to protect their invaluable
natural resources since 1961. Most of AWF's staff is based in Africa, working at the grass roots with park
managers and communities to safeguard wildlife and wilderness areas. AWF keeps the big picture in mind
helping African nations design long-term strategies for conserving their magnificent natural treasures for
all the world to enjoy.
AfriCat Foundation (Namibia)
The AfriCat Foundation, based in the southern African country of Namibia, is a non-profit organization with
a mission to conserve the big cats of Africa by working on short, medium and long term solutions to allow
for the coexistence of these predators with man.
Birdlife South Africa
BirdLife South Africa exists to help the public understand and enjoy birds. We are dedicated to the study
and protection of birds and their environments. The Society is a strong and respected voice campaigning for
the survival of indigenous birds and their habitats.
East African Wildlife Society
The East African Wild Life Society was formed in 1961 to safeguard wildlife and its habitat in all forms as
a regional and international resource. A non-profit making organization, the Society plays a leading role in
promoting conservation and the sustainable use of wildlife and the environment throughout East Africa.
Over the past 40 years the East African Wild Life Society has invested more than US $2 million on over
1,000 environmental, wildlife and conservation education projects. The Society sponsors regular seminars
and workshops and publishes Swara, East Africa's leading wildlife magazine, six times a year.
Endangered Wildlife Trust
The Endangered Wildlife Trust is dedicated to conserving the diversity of species in southern Africa by
initiating and funding projects that make a significant contribution to the maintenance of biodiversity. We
aim to prevent species extinction, promote sustainable management of species and link action to conserve
species with the conservation of their habitats.
International Rhinos Foundation
The International Rhino Foundation (IRF) is a non-profit corporation of institutions and individuals worldwide
whose sole purpose is dedicated to the conservation of Black, White, Sumatran, Javan and Indian rhinos; the
five species of rhinoceros.
Kenya Wildlife Service
On behalf of the Government of Kenya, Kenya Wildlife Service holds in trust for present and future
generations locally, nationally and globally the biological diversity represented by its extraordinary
variety of animals, plants and ecosystems ranging from coral reefs to alpine moorlands and from deserts to
forests. Special emphasis is placed on conservation of large mammals found in few other places on earth.
Mpala Research center (Kenya)
The Mpala Research center, located near Nanyuki, Kenya, is a unique collaboration of five leading Kenyan
and US institutions. At Mpala, researchers from many nations, ranging from senior scientists to
undergraduate students, cooperate to advance understanding of sustainable development for East Africa's
savanna and semi-arid woodland habitats.
Okavango Wildlife Society
In co-operation with the relevant national authorities the aims of the Okavango Wildlife Society (OWLS) are:
conservation and species preservation.
Okavango Peoples Wildlife Trust
OPWT is a community conservation NGO based in Maun, Botswana. It works to protect the dwindling natural
resources of the Okavango region and promote the sustainable development of local communities through
wise use of ecosystems and active participation of local people in the wildlife industry.
Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
Founded in 1926, the Wildlife Society is South Africa's oldest and largest non-government,
membership-based environmental organization. It is a non-racial, non-party political society which works
towards achieving the conservation of the Earth's limited resources, through lobbying, environmental
education and conservation campaigns. The Wildlife Society maintains a watchful eye on the South African
environment through its large network of branches, centers and members, and will act in the interest of the
public to negotiate on conservation issues.
Wildlife Society of Zimbabwe
The Wildlife Society of Zimbabwe (a registered welfare organization, founded in 1927) aims to encourage
all Zimbabweans, especially the young, to take an active interest in their wildlife heritage through
conservation- oriented educational and research projects, co-operation with Government, local authorities
and other local and overseas Organizations as well as operating a Wildlife Emergency Fund for times of
national emergency.
Asia/South Pacific
The Conservancy Association (Hong Kong)
Conservation Resource center (Papua New Guinea)
The Conservation Resource center CRC is a program of the Papua New Guinea - Department of Environment
and Conservation, funded by the Global Environment Facility and administered by the United Nations
Development program. Its goals are to establish two new conservation areas in Papua New Guinea, increase
capacity within the Department of Environment and Conservation to deliver conservation by providing
training and infrastructure and determine the feasibility of establishing a conservation trust fund for future
funding of conservation initiatives.
Earth Care (Hong Kong)
EarthCare is an independent, non-profit founded in Hong Kong in February 1993 by a group of local Chinese
enthusiasts. Our members combine considerable experience in animal welfare, ecology, education and
Forest and Bird Society (New Zealand)
The Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand is one of New Zealand's largest national
conservation Organizations. The society's mission is to preserve and protect the native plants and animals
and natural features of New Zealand. Forest & Bird is active in a wide range of environmental issues from
native forests, tussocklands, wetlands, coastlines, and marine ecosystems, to campaigns on energy
conservation and sustainable resource management. Forest and Bird's strength as an organization comes
from over 40,000 members in 56 branches throughout the country. The society is one of the largest
environmental groups per capita of population in the world.
Indonesian Nature Conservation Database
This site is dedicated to all protected areas of Indonesia. It not only describes the various National Parks
(Taman Nasional), but also the many Nature Reserves (Cagar Alam), Game or Wildlife Reserves (Suaka
Margasatwa) and several of the many Recreation Parks (Taman Wisata) in Indonesia.
Orrca is a volunteer organization caring for whales, dolphins, seals and dugongs in Australian waters.
Resource Management Law Association (New Zealand)
The Association was established in October 1992 and now has over 850 members. The Association is
multi-disciplinary and membership includes architects, engineers, environmental managers, judges,
planners, scientists, barristers and solicitors, valuers and surveyors, as well as other professionals and
Councillors of both regional councils and territorial authorities. The object of the Association shall be to
promote within New Zealand an understanding of resource management law and its implementation and
multi-disciplinary framework.
Taiwan Environmental Protection Union
TEPU is the leading environmental organization in Taiwan. She has about one thousand members. Her
members include university professors, school teachers, medical doctors, homemakers, student, workers,
farmers, etc. Besides the headquarters in Taipei, she has ten local chapters stretching all over the country.
Wild Bird Society of Japan
The Wild Bird Society of Japan (WBSJ) is a private conservation organization founded in 1934. Its purpose
is to protect birds and their habitats, to encourage more people to enjoy bird watching, and to carry on
research concerning the status and habitat of birds in Japan.
Wild India
The site's primary aim is to help spread awareness of the need for wildlife conservation in India; to
influence decision-makers in the Indian government on wildlife conservation; to encourage and influence
innovative debate, constructive discussion, and consensus-building; to fight misinformation, and through
advocacy to build a wider consensus against exploitation and destruction of India's wilderness and wildlife.
Latin America/Caribbean
AMIGRANSA (Sociedad de Amigos en Defensa de la Gran Sabana)
AVVA (Venezuela)
AVVA works on biodiversity issues related to southern Venezuela.
Belize Audubon Society
The Belize Audubon Society is a non-profit, non-governmental, membership organization dedicated to the
promotion of the sustainable use and preservation of our natural resources in order to maintain a balance
between people and the environment.
Birdlife International Americas Division
BirdLife International protects birds and their habitats and through this promotes conservation of the
world's biological diversity and the sustainable use of the world's natural resources.
Committee for the Defense of the Flora & Fauna of the Gulf of Fonseca
This organization works on the Pacific coast of Honduras.
Apartado Postal 3663
Ed. Fiallos Soto #204
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Contacts: Jorge Varela Marquez and Bonificio Sanchez
Phone: (504) 238-0415
Fundacion Ecocultura (Paraguay)
Fundacion Ecocultura works to preserve virgin places in the jungles of Paraguay. They also endeavor to
preserve ancient cultures, and petrogliphs.
Fundacion Moises Bertoni (Paraguay)
Fundacion Vida Silvestre Argentina
Es una organización de bien público, privada e independiente, con más de 20
años de labor en nuestro pa’s. La Fundacion Vida Silvestre Argentina trabaja para conservar la
diversidad de la vida y construir un futuro en que el Hombre viv en armonia con la naturaleza.
FUDENA (Venezuela)
in 1975 a group of Venezuelans created the Fundación para la Defensa de la Naturaleza (Foundation
for the Defense of Nature) - FUDENA, to promote, to nurture, and to assure the conservation of natural
resources of Venezuela and internationally as well, when necessary. For 23 years FUDENA has conducted a
large number of research projects to advance conservation. FUDENA has coordinated action plans at the
national level and formed working groups to preserve endangered species.
Fundacion Natura (Ecuador)
Es misión de Fundación Natura la protección del medio ambiente, la
preservación de la biodiversidad y el manejo sustentable de los recursos naturales para mejorar la
calidad de vida de las presentes y futuras generaciones, mediante la transformación de
hábitos y comportamientos, la formación de una conciencia ambiental en la población y
el establecimiento de una nueva ética social.
International Wildlife Coalition Brazil
Coalisão Internacional da Vida Silvestre - IWC/BRASIL, established in 1986, is the Brazilian section
of the International Wildlife Coalition, a non- profit, non-governmental institution dedicated to the
protection of wildlife and natural environments throughout the world. Directed by native Brazilian
environmentalists who pursue an agenda suited for local conservation needs, IWC/BRASIL develops
practical activities, aimed at concrete results. As a way to publicize and strengthen these activities we are
presenting this site in cooperation with PROCERGS/VIA-RS, hoping to gain support from other friends of
Nature through the products and services we offer in an effort to fund the continuation of our work.
Jatun Sacha Foundation (Ecuador)
A private, non-profit Ecuadorian foundation, Jatun Sacha is now one of the two largest non-profit
conservation organizations in Ecuador. The foundation owns and manages three biological field stations and
through these promotes biological conservation, research, education, community extension, and
ecotourism in Ecuador.
Naturalia, A.C. (Mexico)
Eje Central Lazaro Cardenas #409-101
Col. Portales, Mexico 03300, D.F.
PH: 525 674-66-78
Fax: 525 674-38-76
Program for Belize
Two South Park Street
P.O. Box 749
Belize City, Belize
Central America
Ph: 501-2-75616
Fax: 501-2-75635
Venezuelan Audubon Society
BirdLife Finland
Birdlife Finland is the Finnish chapter of BirdLife International, which aims to conserve all bird species on
earth and their habitats, and through this, to work for the world's biological diversity and sustainability of
human use of natural resources. BirdLife International is a global partnership of conservation Organizations
working for the diversity of all life through the conservation of birds and their habitats. 11% of the world's
birds Ð 1,111 species Ð are threatened. Of these, 168 species will almost certainly be extinct within 20
years unless action is taken.
British Association of Nature Conservationists
BANC aims to advance nature conservation in the United Kingdom. It acts as a network for conservationists
and people who care about the natural world. BANC is a voluntary, membership-based charity which is
overseen by an elected executive committee. Members can contribute ideas and viewpoints through working
groups, study tours and regional meetings.
The Society for the Protection of Nature (DHKD) (Turkey)
The Society for the Protection of Nature is a non- profit, non-governmental and non-party political
organization based in Istanbul, Turkey. It aims to protect natural ecosystems such as forests, wetlands and
coastal sand dunes throughout Turkey, together with the rich diversity of life that depends on these
habitats. In all of its work, DHKD promotes the sustainable use of Turkey's natural resources, and
wherever possible it seeks to work with national and international institutions and other organizations.
North America
Defenders of Wildlife
Defenders of Wildlife is dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities. We focus our programs on what scientists consider two of the most serious environmental threats to the planet: the accelerating rate of extinction of species and the associated
loss of biological diversity, and habitat alteration and destruction. Long known for our leadership on endangered species issues, Defenders of Wildlife also advocates new approaches to wildlife conservation that will help keep species from becoming endangered. Our programs encourage protection of entire ecosystems and interconnected habitats while protecting predators that serve as
indicator species for ecosystem health.
National Audubon
Founded in 1905, the mission of the National Audubon Society is to conserve and restore natural
ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological
National Wildlife Federation
NWF focuses its efforts on five core issue areas (Endangered Habitat, Water Quality, Land Stewardship,
Wetlands, and Sustainable Communities), and pursues a range of educational projects, and activist,
advocacy, and litigation initiatives, within these core areas.